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Updating Extensions (Joomla 3)

Joomla 3 has an Extension Updater feature within the back end of your site. If there is a newer version of an extension available, you may receive a notification and be able to update the extension all within the back end of your Joomla site. The video below outlines the process and the article that follows contains written instructions with detailed screenshots.

Update Notifications

Finding Updates

Update Notifications

After logging into the back end of your Joomla site, you may receive a notification that "Updates are available" at the bottom of the Quick Links area. The number in the notification indicates how many updates are available. 


If you click on "Updates are available", you'll be sent to the Extension Manager: Updates area. This area is also accessible by opening the Extension Manager and clicking on the updates tab. Here you'll see a list of all updates that are ready. You can use the links provided to ensure that each update is appropriate for your version of Joomla. When you're ready to run the update, select it, and click on the "Update" button in the toolbar. We recommend that you only run one update at a time. Although you can select all updates available, it is possible to receive an error message. If you run one update at a time, you'll know exactly which extension update produced the error message.


After the update is complete, you'll receive a green message and other details about your udpated extension. Please note that not all extensions have been built to work with this Extension Updater. It's always best to check with the developer to ensure you have the most recent version available.

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Finding Updates

You can always search for updates by clicking on the "Find Updates" button in the toolbar. You can also contact your extension developer to find out if there are updates available.


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