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ccTLDs special renewal rules

ccTLDs (Country Code Top Level Domains) renewal fee must be paid at least 20 days before the domains expiration date.

This is due to ccTLDs (Country Code Top Level Domains) special renewal requirements, imposed by each respective country specific registry.

If the domain’s auto-renewal feature is enabled (default) CloudAccess.net will issue a renewal invoice for this type of domain 50 days before the expiration date. This invoice will be due 20 days before the expiration date. You will receive a notification from CloudAccess.net of the creation of this invoice and upcoming renewal. We will also send 3 upcoming renewal notifications 30, 15 and 2 days before the due date.

We will also attempt an automatic charge to your card if you have a card on file, the domain’s auto-renewal feature is enabled and the domain/invoice is set to credit card payment.

CloudAccess.net can not ensure a successful ccTLD domain renewal if the renewal invoice is paid after its due date.

For more information on the life cycle of a ccTLD that has not been renewed please visit the site of registry specific to your ccTLD.

Other rules of Domain Renewal Policy (http://www.CloudAccess.net/about-us/legal-information.html) apply if not contradictory to the ones stated in this article.

ccTLDs include, but are not limited to:
- .de
- .com.de
- .be
- .es
- .com.es
- .nom.es
- .org.es
- .fr
- .nl
- .co.nz
- .fm
- .ac
- .am
- .at
- .com.au
- .net.au
- .org.au
- .bz
- .ch
- .cm
- .cn
- .com.cn
- .net.cn
- .org.cn
- .gs
- .io
- .it
- .jp
- .la
- .li
- .ms
- .com.mx
- .net.nz
- .org.nz
- .pe
- .com.pe
- .net.pe
- .nom.pe
- .org.pe
- .sh
- .tc
- .vg

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